Sarahspiritual's Blog

Spiritually Speaking

If you could choose to change….

If you could chage yourself, who would you be.?

If you could change your thoughts, what would they be? 

If you could change your job what would it be?

If you could change your heart how would it be? 

If you could change the world how would it be? 

If you were to know all the answers would you want to know?

Would you change your plans, your beliefs or would you keep them the same?

You search for answer of the questions you pose, yet when the answer is told, you snub your nose. 

Is it not the right response or the one you hope not to hear?

Did the answer shatter a dream or confirm the hidden fear? 

Do you choose to live based on the surface of the world we share?

Do you choose to hear a spirit so near?

Your answers are simple if you allow.  You must open your heart and tune in your ear. 

There is no choice to change nor path to clear. 

You have the world before you, void of fear. 

So ask yourself, “What would you change from the past?” 

If you answer is “Nothing” then you have “nothing” to fear?

If you look to the future to change, would you change your approach?

Would you listen to hear?

Would you choose to listen to your “Spirit” who is so near? 

If you can answer “Yes,”  Your path is clear.

March 26, 2010 - Posted by | Manifesting, Personal Growth, Spirituality, Uncategorized | , , ,


  1. Thank you for this!
    I believe it will truly provide a great deal of much needed insight for a lot of people as it has enlightened me.

    Comment by freedommanagement | March 26, 2010 | Reply

  2. What would i change? Life greatest question perfectly posted for self analogy indeed. I say that change itself changed me in its own way and its own time perfectly for me. If i had changed anything in my past would i have arrived any sooner to my present? The teacher(God)of life allows us to run the races win or lose the lessons are forever with us to learn or be assisted to victory lane. As for some it’s better that they select change than change select them for the price of choices varies….. Love you Sarah and thanks for keeping us all connected……

    Comment by Johnny | March 27, 2010 | Reply

    • As always it is an honor to offer the words of “Spirit” Life is everchanging around us, and we can choose to participate or remain stagnant and have it pass us by.

      Comment by sarahspiritual | March 27, 2010 | Reply

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