Sarahspiritual's Blog

Spiritually Speaking


I imagine a place where love abounds, where words are kind and actions peaceful. I imagine a place where all are free to be individuals as a part of a Divine plan. I envision a world filled with abundance and creation. I imagine nature flourishing, our animals of our planet and its environment to be free to continue as a valuable part of the life upon this earth. I see the waters of this planet clear and pure as they purify our existence. I see the sky which graces its Horizon filled with the brightness of the sun and stars which illuminate our beauty. In this world I imagine “World Leaders” removing the boundaries that divide us. A world where each person is accepted for their Religion and respected as another HUMAN BEING created by the Most High God! I pray for a world where our children are nurtured and praised for their uniqueness rather than forced to conform to societal expectations. I see anger and pain being replaced by forgiveness. My vision of hope sees illness and disease replaced by perfect health. My heart sees the choice made by each of us being governed by our love for each other rather than our own personal gain. In this vision there is NO POVERTY, no lack, only the flow of this world providing all we need. I see each of us with the ability to contribute our individual gifts and uniqueness to restore and perfect our World as it was intended at the time creation.

I envision YOU and your families whole and committed to the love of each other. I believe Love has the power to change all we fear and to remove all worry. I believe that FAITH in God is a seed in our Soul that must be tended and grown. I see YOU; I see ALL of US restored to our original Grace and ability to Love, free from past hurts and experiences. I imagine, I envision, the plan, the Original Plan, where LOVE, PEACE, RESPECT, KINDNESS and FREEDOM are all this WORLD requires to flourish.

I believe if I hold this vision in my heart and soul, change will commence. I imagine my vision can BE “YOUR VISION” and WE can live this vision. Will you ENVISION with me?

~ SarahSpiritual ~

March 16, 2014 Posted by | Manifesting, Personal Growth, Spirituality, Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

The Gift

Dove ReleaseThere is no price nor sale for this gift.  There is no box nor bag where it shall hide.  There is no wrapping, or opening, nor big surprise.

I came to give you peace and joy.  A wall of strength which will protect.  It is a gift beyond your dreams, where hope abounds and fear is gone.  This special gift has just one catch, a small hook you must unlatch.  It is the faith I can not give.  The faith of love can override the pain or fear which try to hide.  I gift this gift not on this Holiday.  It is a gift of long ago, of yet another day.  The gift was given not by kings, or man, nor a joyous song which sings.  The gift was placed in man’s own heart.  A gift inside of you right from the start.  You are me and I am you.

What you desire, your gift will do.  Close your eyes and accept it’s true, for a piece of me is in you.  There is no task too great, nor burden too large for your heart to have and hold.  To activate this gift, believe and be bold. Do as I request and the gift will do all the rest.

Embrace your life, and celebrate your birth and disregard the strife.  Choose with your heart the path for life.  Live in faith, walk in light and smile.  You see, the gift I gave, is the gift of life and you’ve had it all the while.


December 19, 2013 Posted by | Personal Growth, Spirituality, Uncategorized | 5 Comments

IF Tomorrow…

If tomorrow never came…

SunriseWill I be happy with my today? Today will I be grateful enough, kind enough and will I stop to say thank you? Will I have spoken my truth, and said I love you to those in my life? Will I reach out to offer encouragement and share my thoughts and feelings? Will I share with others my blessings and my gifts? Will I seize the opportunities for me to grow, learn, laugh and love and not wait for perfect timing? Will I be patient in my daily activities, and will I reserve my opinion till I walk in another shoes? Today will I apologize for imperfect actions and forgive those who have hurt me? Today will I be humble and not seek approval of the world? Today will I surrender my expectations for the “Will of God” and praise the glory of the Heavens? Will I live my life to the fullest?

If tomorrow never came, will I be happy with my today?

December 18, 2013 Posted by | Personal Growth, Spirituality, Uncategorized | , | Leave a comment

Journey to the Self

soar to new heightsThe journey to one’s self can be seemingly simple, yet for many it is a life altering experience. Since birth we are bombarded with information, words, and beliefs of our families or loved ones. We are almost programmed to imitate all we see and hear. During growth we develop ideas and images that often squash of our core self beliefs by seemingly well elders. It is often at this juncture many natural or personal thoughts and feelings become squashed. Yet, the journey to our true self continues. Our spirit once fresh and young with hopeful unabashed joy flickers within no longer fueling our driving self force. As the child become a young adult memories of past lives often come in forms of dreams or fleeting moment of familiarity so many of us refer to as Deja vu . Some realize early on in life there is more, yet others continue the feeling of not belonging, we are living our life on others terms and conditions, not knowing how to feel complete. A sense of purpose, peace, fulfillment or intimacy is like chasing a butterfly on a summer’s day. To find one’s self is indeed a journey and the busier we are in our lives the less time we have to breathe, feel and see the clues left along our road of life. We hit road blocks and we are left perplexed as to how our lives became out of control, far from our once young innocent dreams. It often requires a series of setbacks or even life altering tragedies which force us to stop and reevaluate where and more importantly who we are. As the flood gates open and emotions pour through our life force which sustains us, we struggle to push down our emotional energy, our inner spiritual core as we were trained early in life. We change what is tangible, our jobs, our spouses, our outward appearance. We trick ourselves with money, trinkets, clothing, fancy homes or cars all in the hope of creating a “ life is wonderful appearance.” Then one day, when you least expect, the inner voice screams erupting like a thousand year volcano begging to be heard, requesting permission to expose the you, the true you intended for this earth. It is those who listen to the pure messages of spirit and accept spiritual guidance that will begin to dissipate the madness and clear the negative fog before them. And that is when your journey, which began so long ago can blossom and fill you with spirit. To be filled with your spirit void of any preconceived labels or societal restrictions is to be one with your higher power.

December 12, 2013 Posted by | Personal Growth, Spirituality, Uncategorized | | 2 Comments

Sarahspiritual's Blog

Love, where do you reside?

Do you circle on a dove’s  wings?

Love, how may I capture you?

Shall I chase you or will you come,

Or will you just direct me to someone?

 I yearn to have my heart complete,

To love, and be loved, a tireless feat –

This is the ultimate treasure I seek.

My map is tattered and torn,

Emotion’s winds have my heart torn,

The signs of love are faded and worn.

 Is it I who can not see?

Or you, Love, which eludes me?

Why does this quest fuel my soul?

My eyes have teared beyond control.

May I feel the one heart of my mate?

I implore you Love, do not let me wait.

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February 14, 2013 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

If I Could…

If I Could

If I could I would wipe your tears and clear your path with a single breath

If I could I would clear your mind and free you from the thoughts which haunt you

If I could I would turn back time to moments you were free.

When life was simple and laughter plentiful.

If I could I would replace sorrow with joy, doubt with hope.

Yes, if I could I would restore your faith in people.

If I could I would teach you patience as you strive to make dreams reality.

If I could I would listen to your story and help you understand why changes came and people left.

If could I would hold your hand and lead you to a golden path surrounding you with protection.

If I could I would hold you tightly till the fear left your soul and your peace was restored.

If I could I would heal your ailments and replace your pain with youthful radiance.

If I could I would help you see that life never ends.

I would bridge the connection to loved ones lost for the soul never dies.

If I could I would give you love as only God can Love.

I could, if you would ask me.

~ SarahSpiritual ~
Copyright 2012

November 25, 2012 Posted by | Manifesting, Miracles, Personal Growth, Spirituality, Uncategorized | | 2 Comments

Journey to the Soul

The Journey

Take my hand; I will show the way.

We will journey to the soul for a timeless existence.  Let’s find the peace which resides inside, unlock the love made dormant by the world.  Let’s clear all judgments and revive infinite acceptance.  Breathe the fragrant flowers of life and restore serenity of mind.  We will sever the chains of pain and charge your wounds with healing.  Turn back time to reverse misguided actions with kindness and joy.  Worries will cease their existence as everlasting faith fertilizes your soul.  Let’s journey the soul’s chambers of lives gone by.  Greet the souls we have loved and forgive the souls which were challenged.  We can guide each other to resolution.  Let’s journey to the soul for wisdom and compassion.  So take my hand and BE.  Now, together – we are all ONE.

Copyright 2012

November 24, 2012 Posted by | Manifesting, Personal Growth, Spirituality, Uncategorized | , | 1 Comment

Living a Life of Grace

Divine Grace

A life of grace opens you to the wonders around you.  Grace comes through the gratitude you embrace in life blessings.  Grace is always present.  Grace never fails you or falters.  It is present in moments you feel alone.  Grace is present during your most trying times.  It is up to you to acknowledge it is always there. 

Once you open your heart to grace you can sense it everywhere. 

Grace is found in silence between breaths.

Grace gently works behind the scenes.  Grace does not look for applause or accolades, it does not waver.

Grace is the power behind the miracle.  The more you expect it the more you notice its presence.

Kind words and acts of service offer grace.  Grace is found in the compliment paid to the individual who was feeling down.  It is the smile of encouragement from a mentor, or a situation resolved in a fashion deemed impossible. 

Grace is what links our hearts together.  Grace is gratitude in motion.

Be grateful and embrace grace for your miracles await you.

July 29, 2010 Posted by | Manifesting, Miracles, Personal Growth, Spirituality, Uncategorized | , | 1 Comment

A Soul on Life’s Journey


Lonley Road

I wanted to save your soul to lead you out of the darkness.  I hoped you would see the jewel I saw in you – what you could not see.   I saw your finished product. I breathed the breath of hope into your weary soul.   You were battered from life and from your own indiscretions.   I saw beyond all the pain, all the games and all the worldly journey.   The spirit within you longed to grow and change.  I walked the path with you.  Our fingers touched as we journeyed and I measured the steps so your feet were firmly pressed on the ground.  Your eyes were guided only straight ahead, focused on the light ahead.  Only the soul truly knows the journey it must take.  Assistance is simply intertwined to simplify, not guarantee success on the path.  For no one man or woman can determine and orchestrate the outcome.  Not you or I, nor Spirit can do the work.  It is you, your journey, your soul, your lessons.  Perhaps my lesson was to let your soul find its way without the ease I created.  It was the core of you, regardless of  how it was hidden and buried, you had to battle.  All the hope of the future, and joy of the veil lifting did not provide the fortitude to withstand the darkness in the journey.  It was the shadow of the ego, self-doubt and focus which allowed the heart to slip, then fall.  Your soul was not free of the issues which had tainted you before and you returned to the “you” you were, the individual you had always been.  No one person could erase, no love potent enough could destroy the ego, the you.  The lesson, the test, whether passed or failed, was the path of our souls together on the road of life.

Silly, how the belief in what could be created, an illusion that I could ease your soul through its journey.   How unfortunate love could not dust off the lies and tuck them away, dry the tears of your mistakes, or repair your tainted thoughts of the world.  You see, your eyes see you as you look in the mirror.  My eyes saw you as a future masterpiece; my heart, it felt you like a an old lost love or friend embracing the connection of the souls, blind to the lesson of life.  The change, alas, was only temporary.  You embraced the hope and you were shielded by the vision I saw.  The joy of love only became overwhelmed by the essences of your soul’s blueprint of you. Your habits of old reconnected you to the patterns of ego and reverted your soul to journey alone and walk among the shadows of your past.

April 25, 2010 Posted by | Personal Growth, Uncategorized | , , , | 1 Comment

If you could choose to change….

If you could chage yourself, who would you be.?

If you could change your thoughts, what would they be? 

If you could change your job what would it be?

If you could change your heart how would it be? 

If you could change the world how would it be? 

If you were to know all the answers would you want to know?

Would you change your plans, your beliefs or would you keep them the same?

You search for answer of the questions you pose, yet when the answer is told, you snub your nose. 

Is it not the right response or the one you hope not to hear?

Did the answer shatter a dream or confirm the hidden fear? 

Do you choose to live based on the surface of the world we share?

Do you choose to hear a spirit so near?

Your answers are simple if you allow.  You must open your heart and tune in your ear. 

There is no choice to change nor path to clear. 

You have the world before you, void of fear. 

So ask yourself, “What would you change from the past?” 

If you answer is “Nothing” then you have “nothing” to fear?

If you look to the future to change, would you change your approach?

Would you listen to hear?

Would you choose to listen to your “Spirit” who is so near? 

If you can answer “Yes,”  Your path is clear.

March 26, 2010 Posted by | Manifesting, Personal Growth, Spirituality, Uncategorized | , , , | 3 Comments